Organic vegetables and locally sourced produce are two of the hottest food trends around right now, promoting a more environmentally sustainable and responsible way of growing and consuming food. To get your hands on vegetables grown and sourced in this way, you usually have to make a trip to your local supermarket or greengrocer. But, by using a Vegepod, you can make these trends a permanent fixture of your dinner table through growing your own organic produce. There’s no need to go shopping, just pop out to the garden and take what you need, from pot to plate!
How the Vegepod Works
The Vegepod is a modular vegetable growing kit that’s self-watering, protected against the elements and perfectly sized for every home. You just select the vegetables or herbs you want to grow, whack in some soil, shut the protective cover and the Vegepod does the rest even the watering! You can learn more about the Vegepod
The Best DIY Dinner Veggies
When it comes to growing your own dinner with the Vegepod, you should select the kinds of vegetables you eat regularly and which can be grown easily in the backyard. Plants like tomatoes and chillis can be grown quite quickly, while green, leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and rocket come up a treat in the Vegepod. These nutritious, healthy vegetables are used in plenty of recipes and will add a new dimension to your cooking. Also, herbs like parsley, basil and rosemary can thrive too, adding great flavours to your meals. These kinds of vegetables can be grown quickly, used quickly and then regrown fast – a perfect go-to for when you need something green on the side of your plate or a salad in a jiffy.
Go for Variety with the Vegepod
One of the big advantages of the Vegepod is its modular design, which means you can be growing tomatoes at one end of the arrangement, while spinach and lettuce are cropping up at the other. This variety is great for your dinner table, and by having a wide selection of different edible plants, you will always have something special to add to your plate – all organic and locally sourced too! What kind of vegetables would you love to grow at home?
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