We've been teasing it online for a while now. It's finally here - Vegebag! What is a Vegebag you may ask? It's basically our 2.0 version of the common household pot plant. Meant for growing only one or two veggies at a time, this budget-friendly 'innovated pot plant' helps grow in a safe environment and has many of the Vegepod hallmarks. Here are some of the benefits broken down.
Zip Top Mesh Cover (Micro-Climate, Pest Proof, Weed Proof, Animal Proof)
First and foremost, the Vegebag continues the tradition of Vegepod's world-famous super fine mesh that help’s with microclimate, pest, weather and weed protection! The zip-up cover means you're dramatically reducing your chances of weather and pest damage and providing ideal conditions inside for amazing growth rates.
Soil Depth
The bag holds a foot of soil, just like the Vegepod, meaning you can plant a variety of edibles in proper soil depth, even roots and fruits including tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, spuds etc.
Two Sizes
Vegebags come in two sizes - small and large. Small reaches up to a height of 65cm and width of 45cm. We recommend it for your leafy greens, herbs and containing the likes of eager mint.
Large is a height of 76cm and width of 60cm. We recommend it for your larger plants such as tomatoes, eggplants and broccoli.
Drainage Holes
Slightly different from the Vegepod, the Vegebag doesn't have wicking reservoirs in the base, but we have still catered for water flow by including drainage eyelets to prevent flooded soil.
Pull Handles & Compactable
Portable and easy to handle, the Vegebag has pull handles on either side and can be compacted down to help with transport and space-saving when not in use.
These improvements on the everyday pot plant have already seen a Vegebag prototype winning runners up for the “Best New Growing Product” category at the UK’s GLEE Birmingham trade show, their most important garden trade show of the year.
Still not sure what the Vegebag is about? Here's a quick video of Simon pointing out all the features just mentioned ;)
You can find our Vegebags on our Shop page - $39 for a small and $49 for a large. If you test one out please let us know what you think! Your feedback is valuable for future modifications. Happy planting!
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